
This is a smaller life update, to those who care.
          	I survived! 
          	I was hospitalized for 8 days due to severe pneumonia and a blood infection which shut down both kidneys and both lungs. Vomited a solid 8 times and lost 12 pounds from all of this. Also had an infiltrated IV line, a collapsed vein, and eventually had to get a new IV and then a PICC midline. After 2 weeks of blood infusions and antibiotics every 8 hours and some extra oxygen, I’m doing much better. 
          	Also, I never knew they could get blood from an elbow. My blood literally dried up in my arm, my forearm, my wrist, and my hand, so they somehow violated my wenis and got blood on the back of my elbow so close to the bone T^T
          	I’m not quite cleared yet but we’re getting there. Recovery is rough. Apparently if I didn’t get to the emergency room when I did, I probably would have died in 3 days according to the doctors.
          	Whoops. I’m an actual hazard to my own self sometimes. Ahah xD 
          	But ya girl is back and she’s writing with a vengeance. We alive and we writing. >:3 Sorry for being MIA. <3


this message may be offensive
Holy shit are you alright???


@carelesswillow Thank you! I am certainly going to try to learn to take care of myself instead of taking care of everyone around me ^^


@Serpex take care of yourself. I am happy that you survived


This is a smaller life update, to those who care.
          I survived! 
          I was hospitalized for 8 days due to severe pneumonia and a blood infection which shut down both kidneys and both lungs. Vomited a solid 8 times and lost 12 pounds from all of this. Also had an infiltrated IV line, a collapsed vein, and eventually had to get a new IV and then a PICC midline. After 2 weeks of blood infusions and antibiotics every 8 hours and some extra oxygen, I’m doing much better. 
          Also, I never knew they could get blood from an elbow. My blood literally dried up in my arm, my forearm, my wrist, and my hand, so they somehow violated my wenis and got blood on the back of my elbow so close to the bone T^T
          I’m not quite cleared yet but we’re getting there. Recovery is rough. Apparently if I didn’t get to the emergency room when I did, I probably would have died in 3 days according to the doctors.
          Whoops. I’m an actual hazard to my own self sometimes. Ahah xD 
          But ya girl is back and she’s writing with a vengeance. We alive and we writing. >:3 Sorry for being MIA. <3


this message may be offensive
Holy shit are you alright???


@carelesswillow Thank you! I am certainly going to try to learn to take care of myself instead of taking care of everyone around me ^^


@Serpex take care of yourself. I am happy that you survived


After a long debate, I have decided after 11 years, I am worn down by the changes and upkeep of my works here on Wattpad. The list of things I am upset with is simply too long by this point as a writer. This is one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make. I’ve stuck around for so long, yet I no longer feel the passion nor support I used to feel for Wattpad. I apologize. 
          So, while I am still updating weekly, I will no longer be posting on here. All updates from the schedule linked in my bio will be AO3 only. 
          Due to some requests from a few different people, I will not be removing anything already posted. If you’ve added a story to a list, you can still read it and haunt me with comments. 
          But, no new content will be posted here either. 
          I truly am thankful to everyone who has supported me over the years. Even through my droughts where I quit writing, you convinced me to try again. I will never stop being grateful for that.
          I will still be active if anyone wants to talk. And I’ll be around to comment and reply. But IG and Discord are where I’m active most if anyone wishes to seek me out there. 
          Thanks for over a decade of love. ^^
          ~Serpex, Weaver of Words


Hello author, would you like to write more about Hanmika? 


@h_Medusa_Ackerman_i Hmm, that on its own unfortunately doesn’t quite entice me enough. But, you can always write one yourself! 


@h_Medusa_Ackerman_i  I hope you publish a long story about them inside giants attack I hope you publish a long story about them inside giants attack soon ✨


@h_Medusa_Ackerman_i Haha, perhaps. It would depend how compelling it is against my other current WIPs. ^^


I hate being sick. How am I to write when my lungs feel like they're peeling from the inside out?? T^T


@Nothimm Yeah I like, save the hospital for life or death at this point lol


@Serpex but nah, I'm good