The message on your bio is so profound SubhanAllah✨
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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, It's been a really really long time (: I hope everyone is In Shaa Allah doing well. Eid ul Adha Mubarak to all of you and your families. May Allah SWT bless all of you abundantly,grant barakah and aafiyah,good health and success of both the worlds to you all .Aameen . Just wanted to convey belated Eid greetings and send love and duas to my beautiful readers and followers <3 In Shaa Allah if possible ,keep this abd of Khaliq in your special duas too. Take care , stay blessed ,happy and healthy ! With love , ServantofKhaliq .
@Princessbreeze Aameen summa aameen.May Allah SWT facilitate ease for you in whatever you are facing dear sister. This dua is helpful for coming out of situations or difficulties when we see no way out .It is the dua which Prophet Yunus (AS) recited in the belly of the whale ,"Laa ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimeen ." In Shaa Allah keep reading it and also La hawla wala quwwata illa Billah. Both these zikr are recommended when we feel hopeless about a situation. Have Hasbi Allah.No matter what He will help you ,make way for you because indeed Allah SWT is nearer than the jugular vein. He hears the pleas of every heart . Have hope in Him In Shaa Allah and also do remember He always does what is best for us ,even if sometimes we may be unable to understand the wisdom behind His plans . I sincerely pray He may make things work for you in ways that make your heart content with His Qadr .Aameen !
@ServantofKhaliq ur dua came at the right time. I am in such a tough plane and an impossible kind of situation, that it would really be a big miracle for me to come out of it! Jazakalllahu khair. And aameen sum aameen to all your duas. May Allah accept it from you and relieve me from this situation. May allah give you abundance in his love, in his mercy, in his protection and his ever lasting love and make you among the ummah to get the highest level of jannah. Aameen
@Princessbreeze Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah<3 m so glad to hear that sister (: May Allah SWT always show you the beautiful ways to stay connected to Him .May His infinite blessings descend in your life and unfold miracles for you .Aameen ! I am very happy Alhamdulillah to hear that somehow my little work became part of your journey towards Him . May He ,Al Haadi ,guide us and keep us steadfast and firm upon the right path . Jazakillah khair sister for your love and support also <3 Tc ,stay blessed !
The message on your bio is so profound SubhanAllah✨
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, It's been a really really long time (: I hope everyone is In Shaa Allah doing well. Eid ul Adha Mubarak to all of you and your families. May Allah SWT bless all of you abundantly,grant barakah and aafiyah,good health and success of both the worlds to you all .Aameen . Just wanted to convey belated Eid greetings and send love and duas to my beautiful readers and followers <3 In Shaa Allah if possible ,keep this abd of Khaliq in your special duas too. Take care , stay blessed ,happy and healthy ! With love , ServantofKhaliq .
@Princessbreeze Aameen summa aameen.May Allah SWT facilitate ease for you in whatever you are facing dear sister. This dua is helpful for coming out of situations or difficulties when we see no way out .It is the dua which Prophet Yunus (AS) recited in the belly of the whale ,"Laa ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimeen ." In Shaa Allah keep reading it and also La hawla wala quwwata illa Billah. Both these zikr are recommended when we feel hopeless about a situation. Have Hasbi Allah.No matter what He will help you ,make way for you because indeed Allah SWT is nearer than the jugular vein. He hears the pleas of every heart . Have hope in Him In Shaa Allah and also do remember He always does what is best for us ,even if sometimes we may be unable to understand the wisdom behind His plans . I sincerely pray He may make things work for you in ways that make your heart content with His Qadr .Aameen !
@ServantofKhaliq ur dua came at the right time. I am in such a tough plane and an impossible kind of situation, that it would really be a big miracle for me to come out of it! Jazakalllahu khair. And aameen sum aameen to all your duas. May Allah accept it from you and relieve me from this situation. May allah give you abundance in his love, in his mercy, in his protection and his ever lasting love and make you among the ummah to get the highest level of jannah. Aameen
@Princessbreeze Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah<3 m so glad to hear that sister (: May Allah SWT always show you the beautiful ways to stay connected to Him .May His infinite blessings descend in your life and unfold miracles for you .Aameen ! I am very happy Alhamdulillah to hear that somehow my little work became part of your journey towards Him . May He ,Al Haadi ,guide us and keep us steadfast and firm upon the right path . Jazakillah khair sister for your love and support also <3 Tc ,stay blessed !
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi waberakatuhu, This was my second story when I started mutt account , but Alhamdulillah this is my number 1 ranking story. Mashallah this book is so great . I would recommend you to write a few more works like this. Hope you accept your reader's request and we may get more amazing stories to read in future inshallah. Stay happy, stay blessed , have a happy Ramadan. Have a great life Ahead. Allah hafiz
Jazakallahu khairan kaseera dearie for such sweet words I'll be to glad that you accepted our wish and inshallah will act upon it in future inshallah. Have a blessed Ramadan. May Allah almighty grant all his blessings upon all of us . Ameen ya rabbal alameen ❤
@miss_maltesers Waalaikumassalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu . JazakAllah khair sister for your kind words. As for your request , In Shaa Allah I will try to schedule some time for writing in the future ,however I can't promise for sure ....let's see. Ramadan Kareem to you and your loved ones , May Allah The Almighty,confer His choicest blessings on us all in this blessed month . Take care :)
السلام عليكم Dear sister, i was hoping if youd like to read my books "THE DISMANTLE OF HIS KINGDOM. (A Historical Fictional Love Story)". I'd hopefully not disappoint you. Do share your thoughts if it interests you. Jazak Allah khair. Your sister in Islam, Niqabi ❤.
Aasalamualikum dear how are you , I have read your book back in 2017 but still no 1 book for me on wattpad . I have read many books on wattpad but still shattered hearts is my favourite.
@farheenwani just know I'm locked onto this book maa shaa Allah. Though our dear writer decided not to write anymore
@farheenwani Waalaikumassalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu (: Alhamdulillah m good ....hope you are doing well too by His Grace.... JazakAllah Khair for the kind words , your love and support means a lot !
May Allah Grant him shifaa
Dearest readers and followers , Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Ramadan Kareem to all of you lovely people :) I hope In Shaa Allah you are all doing well by the grace of Allah SWT & hopefully you are having an Imaan boosting and beautiful Ramadan In Shaa Allah. May Allah SWT forgive all of our sins and bless the entire Ummah with goodness,strength , contentment ,health , prosperity and success of both the worlds. May He SWT protect us from the hellfire and out of His infinite Love and Mercy May Allah SWT grant us all Jannatul Firdaus....Aameen Summaameen! Its immensely heart warming to read all those sweet messages from some of my beautiful readers . They mean so much to me ,and Alhamdulillah I feel blessed to have met you guys here ,for there is so much love you guys portray in your words :) I sincerely apologise for being late in responding or for not responding if I ever missed reading any of them . But believe me , I remember you guys too ,for the heart never forgets anyone who walks in through its doors, You may choose to not think of that person but once they enter the chambers of your heart they reside therein forever .... :) So even if I fail to keep in touch at times ,you guys still mean a lot ! Jazakallah khayr for the love and support <3 As some of you may also know ,my father is not keeping well ,he is completely bed ridden and that is the main reason I haven't written another story after Shattered hearts. Last month again ,my dad suffered a major brain stroke, It is the Grace and Mercy of Allah SWT that he is Alhamdulillah still with us , and we are forever grateful for it Alhamdulillah. Please do remember me in your duas if possible ,and once again Jazakallah khayr from the bottom of my heart to all you beautiful people for your love and support <3 Take care everyone , Keep smiling :) Assalamualaikum ! Have a splendid and blessed Ramadan :)
@ServantofKhaliq I just came across your book and it's amazing, I pray Allah ease ur affairs and Grant ur dad shifa'a(aameen)
@Swalihah96 Aameen Summaameen , Jazakallah khayr for your beautiful dua sister :) May Allah SWT bless you with goodness ,ease and happiness in every phase of your life and in the hereafter ....Aameen!
I had read this book before and after some times i had lost my phone . Then i opened new one and since from that day i had been searching this book .❤ finally after so many months i found it.
Assalamualaikum everyone , Eid Mubarak to you all and your loved ones , Takabbalallahu minna wa minkum :) Take care , stay blessed !
Assalamualaikum Wa rehmatullahi Wa barakatuhu , Dearest followers and readers of Shattered hearts, Hope you are all doing well :) Ramadan Mubarak to all of you , your families and loved ones. May Allah SWT bless and protect us all ,forgive our sins ,accept our good deeds ,may this blessed month become a source of bringing us close to our Creator and elevating our spirituality & May Allah SWT save us all from the punishment of hell fire and grant us the best of both the worlds ..... Aameen Summaameen ! Take care , Stay blessed <3 And if possible , please remember me in your duas . Love you all for the sake of Allah SWT <3
@cutiepie_NaMRa Alhamdulillah m good sis , how have you been ?? Indeed it's been a very long time .....I miss you and your enthusiastic comments on the chapters of the story as much as you miss the real life charecters and the reading experience ! Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family ☺ In Shaa Allah if Allah wills , you will meet all those charecters in real life someday ☺ JazakAllah khayr for all your beautiful duas sis , You are also in my prayers <3 Take care, stay blessed ! Love you too for the sake of Allah SWT .
@ServantofKhaliq Wa alaikum Salaam Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu. Alhamdulillah ☺ How r yu sis!?? Its been long since we have talked. Ramadan Mubarak to you too and your family. Aameen Ya Rabb! I know its pretty late. But still, I wanted to write this☺☺☺ Again & Again I am repeating the same old story that your book was one of the most inspiring and lovely one. I keep re-reading it again and again. And everytime I learn something new. Repeated reading makes me desperate to meet all those real life characters. I dont know if thats possible.. But I really wan to. InShaa Allah Lets see. You are always in my Duas sis! Love you loads for the sake of Allah. Bye Sis
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