
Hello everybody hope you are all doing well. I know I have been absent from wattpad for a while but I have honestly been drowning in university work. Due to this I have decided to unpublish the celestial dragon slayer until I have time to finish it and will then repost it as a completed work. I am sorry to those of you who have followed this story but I do not wish to leave you all waiting for long periods of time for the next update. 
          	Once again I am sorry and wish you all the best
          	I shall return to writing soon


@CalioEmber do you know when it will be back up cause i enjoyed reading it


Hello everybody hope you are all doing well. I know I have been absent from wattpad for a while but I have honestly been drowning in university work. Due to this I have decided to unpublish the celestial dragon slayer until I have time to finish it and will then repost it as a completed work. I am sorry to those of you who have followed this story but I do not wish to leave you all waiting for long periods of time for the next update. 
          Once again I am sorry and wish you all the best
          I shall return to writing soon


@CalioEmber do you know when it will be back up cause i enjoyed reading it


Why hello minna it's been a while. Sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long but I'm currently applying to university for which I have many interviews for and I also have my mock exams coming  leaving me with very little time to write. So to everyone who has stayed with this story despite my very slow updates thank you all so much. I love you all! I hope you enjoy this short but informative chapter!


Hello everybody, just wanted to say a HUGEEE thank you to all my followers new and old. I honestly never expected such a great response to my story. I know I promised to update but due to some health problems of mine I was hospitalised for a week and only now have I been well enough to write. Thank you for all your support and expect an update before the end of the month. 
          Calio xx


Hi everyone! I have the next chapter of TCDS written but unfortunately I cannot post it because my laptop is currently broken. So I'm sorry to have to keep you waiting. I promise I will update as soon as I have my laptop back - hopefully fixed... :/


No way! I have 50 followers now! Thank you all so much, it is heartwarming to know that so many people like my story. I am currently editing the next chapter od TCDS and the update will be posted soon. sorry to keep you all waiting!
          bye for now ^-^ Calio xx