
Hey guys I just want to thank you all for reading my poems, it means a lot! Seriously! 
          	I've been really busy lately with class and feeling kind of down, but I've still been trying to get on and read all of your works because I love the way you guys write and its inspiring!
          	 I wrote something today and I hope that you all enjoy it.


Hey guys I just want to thank you all for reading my poems, it means a lot! Seriously! 
          I've been really busy lately with class and feeling kind of down, but I've still been trying to get on and read all of your works because I love the way you guys write and its inspiring!
           I wrote something today and I hope that you all enjoy it.


Hey everyone, I just really want to thank all of you for reading all of my poems up to this point! I really appreciate it and it means the world to me. I feel like I'm done being lost in my thoughts so to speak haha. This time I want to focus on inspiration rather than love. So I'm going to take my time and think before I start writing something else. 
          So I guess I'm kind of not? Haha
          If you ever want me to look at anything you've written please let me know! I love reading your poetry guys, you are all amazing writers. :D 


You should really learn how to thank people that show support to your work.. I'm just sayin'


@CollectingSouls I actually never learned how. I always message people and I say thank you on my message board. I noticed though how people post stuff on their stories and I was looking into how to do that. Tbh I just write and then post and when people message me or follow me I always message them and talk to them


Hey everyone, it's been a bit of a hiatus for me, but I started writing again today. I hope that you all enjoy it and please offer me your feedback!


I'm glad you're back


It really sucks when you're writing and you have this one part where you know what you want to say, but can't exactly phrase it the way you want too...haha


@Sesmos lol yeah, it kills me. 


@Sesmos OhMhiGosh EXACTLY