
Thank you so much for following our account :) Hope you can find use of one of our many clubs, and if you have any questions, we will be sure to answer! Even if you don't join any of our clubs, we are glad to have you as a follower ^.^
          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team


          ( •w•)
          < <    )  Psst... Hey, I got something for you!
          (•w• )
          <<    )  Hold on it's here
          ( •♡•) 
          (    > > *cactus* Ta-da!!
          (  •_•)
          (    > > *cactus* wait this isn't it...
          (•~•  )
          (    > >  *cactus* ...
          (•□• ) 
          (    > > *cactus* Oh! I found it!
          < <    )  Okie Okie, this is actually what I was gonna give you hehe 
          ( •♡•) 
          (     > > *bomb* Here!
          ( •_• )
          (    > > *bomb* wait-
          Thank you for the follow! Remember to smile and to love yourself ♡
          My PM's always open if you ever feel bored or need a friend. c: 
                      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   
                                      I don't care 
                                  who you are, 
                             where you are from,
                          which language you speak,
                        your skin colour, 
                       your religion, 
                    your gender identity...
                                    \ (•◡•) / 
                                       \     / 
                                        |   |
          Please take care of yourself and be happy + healthy. Because you deserve all the love of the entire universe. 
          FBSJDJSJ I LOVE YOU ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
          (I will follow you back using my follow back account @ Im_loyal_to_Jibooty. :D)