
Hi All, It's been a long time since I've written anything. I had given up on writing to be perfectly honest with you all. But recent comments from my readers have given me hope once more. It can often be a lonely and arduous road writing, your comments and support help ,every single one, in giving me the motivation to continue. I wanted to thank you all and let you all know I appreciate every like and every comment each one of you have made. 
          	If any of you have any contacts or knowledge in the industry I would appreciate any help you can provide as I would love to become a published author one day and want to strive to write more for everyone's enjoyment, including my own. 


@HeidiChimo thank you so much. Although it may seem small, words such as yours make all the difference to me.


@SethNathrah I know all about self doubt and frustration and receiving harsh criticism. Don't give up. If you truly love writing something wonderful will come of it.


Hi All, It's been a long time since I've written anything. I had given up on writing to be perfectly honest with you all. But recent comments from my readers have given me hope once more. It can often be a lonely and arduous road writing, your comments and support help ,every single one, in giving me the motivation to continue. I wanted to thank you all and let you all know I appreciate every like and every comment each one of you have made. 
          If any of you have any contacts or knowledge in the industry I would appreciate any help you can provide as I would love to become a published author one day and want to strive to write more for everyone's enjoyment, including my own. 


@HeidiChimo thank you so much. Although it may seem small, words such as yours make all the difference to me.


@SethNathrah I know all about self doubt and frustration and receiving harsh criticism. Don't give up. If you truly love writing something wonderful will come of it.


Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't have an update last week. My wife and I were in a serious car accident on last Friday night. Luckily we're both alive but my wife has 5 broken ribs and has spent the week in hospital. I stayed with her all week hence why I hadn't written anything. She's been released now and is home recovering, it's easier for me to look after her at home now so I'll try and write more while we're both at home as work has allowed me to work from home to help look after her. I guess I'm very lucky that my work can be so flexible. Will have another update out soon for the story. Seth.


@shaddowqueen Thanks so much! She's slowly getting better. I'm hoping to have another chapter out over this weekend :)


@SethNathrah  really sorry to hear about the car accident hope your wife gets better soon your book the omega existence is amazing and I can't wait for you to upload but I will hope all goes well and hopefully I will be reading the next chapter soon blessed be xoxoxo


Hi everyone, 
          Thanks so much for all the likes and comments. I hope your all enjoying The Omega Existence. I'm grateful that so many of you like my book. I'm working on editing the next chapter and hope to get it out in the next day or so. Can't wait to hear what you all think of it. 