Can’t believe imma say this, but my Grandpa recently passed around a week ago now. And I say can’t believe cause you cannot BELIEVE how stubborn this man was. This man despite barely being able to form even single words or walk, wanted to get into a goddamn excavator and do work. 
          	Anyway, at this time I’m currently heading to the funeral. Due to ADHD and Autism I won’t be emotionally affected until during or after, so wish me luck, cause I need luck for my emotions and my life rn.
          	Until We Meet Again


@SethTDW I'm so sorry, man. If you ever need someone, you know where to find me


@ SethTDW  my condolences


Can’t believe imma say this, but my Grandpa recently passed around a week ago now. And I say can’t believe cause you cannot BELIEVE how stubborn this man was. This man despite barely being able to form even single words or walk, wanted to get into a goddamn excavator and do work. 
          Anyway, at this time I’m currently heading to the funeral. Due to ADHD and Autism I won’t be emotionally affected until during or after, so wish me luck, cause I need luck for my emotions and my life rn.
          Until We Meet Again


@SethTDW I'm so sorry, man. If you ever need someone, you know where to find me


@ SethTDW  my condolences


Yoo, Night, Morning or Evening. I've made another quirk and want some help finalizing it, can you help please?


That could also lead him in making other weapons like gauntlets and others. Thanks :3


Overall pretty balanced yet versatile quirk. I suggest giving him an alternative for the Fruit since if he’s in mid combat and he has them in a pouch they may get squashed, so maybe use something like Mokuton as inspiration since it has a Wood Clone Jutsu. Other than that I suggest maybe an armour feature for Izuku since rn you have Puppets and Weapons, not really much else. You won’t need much need for mobility or transport since he could rearrange the puppets into larger animals such as a Hawk or Cheetah, but I suggest an armour ability for defense and also grants him some additional protection and strength


Awakened Benefits & Abilities:
            Benefit-1: Midoriya won’t need a lots of Biwa tree’s fruits to create puppets or weapons
            Benefit-2: Midoriya is able to put iron on his puppets and weapons
            New Abilities:
            Mutant Puppets: This ability will allow Midoriya to make puppets with extra limbs,appendages and different body types depending on what he wants.
            Extra things I didn't get to add in the first message


Hey everyone! Tbh I’m still surprised people are following me, though I think that’s from the fact that a lot of y’all are following me due to mentions in fics. Anyway, can’t believe I’m so close to 200.
          Speaking of follows, a mate of mine is almost at 1K Followers. If it’s alright please go follow him. He’s a good guy and even does some of his own art. Let’s get him to 1K Followers. His name is @PresidentThanos so go follow and enjoy his stories. He’s a good one and I work with him a decent bit


Merry Christmas Everyone! Sorry I don’t post as much as I use to starting out. Gonna be honest, I did forget about my fics for quite a while. They sort of just melded into the background for me lol. 
          Anyway, I hope you all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, and hopefully for me, I’ll be trying to upload more, although surprisingly I still got writers block on my Dekuverse so yeah. I’ll try to push myself when I can.
          Again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, you lot!


@ SethTDW  Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!


@SethTDW all good my dude  and Marry Christmas 