
randomly logged in and had 435 notifications lmao im procrastinating a paper so i start reading some comments and why tf were my stories so dramatic  like there’s rising action, more rising action, plateau for a bit, and then 27 fkn climaxes  my apologies to anyone reading my stories still, they’re all literally insane


I love your stories :0


Hi! You probably will never read this, ever. But I just wanted to tell you that your stories are quite wonderful and I don't think that mine will ever compare. My stories were created at 3 a.m. out of sheer boredom involving me and my friend being shut in our dorm and having random ideas. I just think that the fantastic Drowse was a very good book, and it put my friend in tears for some reason. Thanks for inspiring a random chapter turned into a 30 chapter book evolving into another unpublished 40 chapter one. I appreciate your "teenage angst," as you call it. I admit I have terrible humor... But thank you for unknowingly inspiring a book.


randomly logged in and had 435 notifications lmao im procrastinating a paper so i start reading some comments and why tf were my stories so dramatic  like there’s rising action, more rising action, plateau for a bit, and then 27 fkn climaxes  my apologies to anyone reading my stories still, they’re all literally insane


I love your stories :0


Hej  Zapraszam do czytania mojej opowieści, teraz jest ona w trakcie pisania.
          Wertez jest wiedźmą, która przeżywa kolejne życie. Swoje poprzednie spędziła spokojnie, jednak jej śmierć była tragiczna. W tym życiu próbuje odnaleźć ludzi którzy ją skrzywdzili i się zemścić. Jednak nie wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem. Wertez nie wie jakiej płci są osoby z jej poprzedniego życia teraz. Wiele niefortunnych wydarzeń przeszkadza wiedźmie w zemście i osiągnięciu wiecznego spokoju.


i remember this account every few months and read through the comments that i get only to have to suffer through my teenage writing lmao tf did i make everything so toxic for? like?? was i okay?? 
          (no i was gay and depressed lmao)


@SevenSeasOfSigh I really miss getting updates on Fantastic Drowse, by the way. Hint hint. 


@SevenSeasOfSigh lmao XD
            But your writing is fantastic❤️