Still blows my mind how many of you there are that have read my SnK fanfics. An absolutely ungodly number and I'm ever so grateful to every single read, vote and comment. ♡ I have the sweetest people following my work and it means a lot to the thirteen year old that still lives in me many years later. I don't know if I'll finish Promise Me, but I like to think I will!

@-hesperides I feel like I don't deserve the beautiful and utterly heartwarming comments people like you leave me. ;__; I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your words. I definitely hope to finish it finally! I'm around ten years older than when I started this now. :0

@SeventhSaga your books were an essential part of my upbringing ahaha, they were some of the first i started to read in terms of fanfics and a different language (my native language is spanish), and really left a mark in me. forever thankful you wrote and published them!!