
Hey everyone! Got a unique contest for ya'll! If you like author's games, or are interested in joining one, you should definitely check this out. :D


Thanks for voting on Seanan Tapani!


@ariel_paiement1 Lol
            I can't believe this is the first time since over a year ago that someone has posted on my feed... I should post about updates on here or something. Then again... I need a cover for Midnight Corps before I can do much with that lol


@Several7s I do the same thing.


@ariel_paiement1 XD I keep forgetting to when I read your chapters- I do that with a lot of books


@HardeeBurger Thanks for the advice.
          I never thought about that. Resistance is better lol. 
          "And one does not TAP HIS INTERNET.  The internet is the whole of the system.  There is no such thing as your internet or my internet or his internet.   There is just the internet.  One can tap another person's internet activity, or their network or phone or computer.  You could also say TAP HIM ON THE INTERNET."
          This is a good point. I hadn't thought about it that way. Thanks for pointing that out. :D


Hi guys! Found this great book, by @Anne_Zedwick. If you like werewolf stories, you should definitely check this out!


Lolol I haven't either, but it's a good story. :D


@Several7s Never even read a werewolf story, but that blurb is drawing me so badly.


Thank you so much for the follow, fellow NBR friend! I hope my story makes you smile even just a fraction as much as your reviews thus far have made me smile :) You're incredibly nice and helpful, and I really love that! 
          I also really enjoyed reading your bio. I agree -- sleeping + good dreams are awesome. It's crazy that you also enjoy some of your nightmares, but hey, I'm not judging! Kudos to you for finding joy in something so scary. Way to look on the bright side of everything :) 
          I look forward to our adventures together, both in and out of the NBR community :) 


@CatharticNonsense Thanks. I hope so too. Books that make me smile are the best. :D
            Lol. Well I'm a bit of a weird person, but I do tend to look on the bright side of things. xD Nightmares were a big thing for me when I was a kid, because I had a lot of them. I think learning to enjoy them was my way of coping with it.
            Me too!


Hey there NBR colleague!
          Thanks for adding my story to your reading list. I have just started posting the abridged version of the same story. I felt the unabridged had some pacing issues in the beginning, so this abridged version hits it pretty quick, adds some twists and new chapters, but retains the fun.
          I hope you enjoy the story - whichever you choose.
          See you around NBR!


            Thanks for the heads up. :D


Hey guys, guess what? I'm starting a monthly writing prompt contest with a friend in my new book "Unfinished Books, Ideas, and More". If you'd like to learn more about it and participate please go ahead and check it out here:, and if you have friends go ahead and notify them too. The more the merrier, and we'd love it if you'd participate. :D