
@HolyBlonde bahahah bitch it's me -.- Gia (: xD 
          	No problemo ^_^ 
          	If ur ever having any troubles....which u probs do....troubled child...xD jokes :') but if ya ever need advice just PM us (: Erika will probs answer tho cuz she's ah-mazing at advice :) anywayy where have ya been today?(: 
          	-Gia (:


@BiteMyHeadOff Ahhhh ur profile pic is so hawt too!!!! Janoskians <3 *_*
          Hahaha :) hey there I'm Gia :) watsup?(:
          @IDoOnly_ME bahaha Erika picked the pic (: glad to know we just brightened ur day xD (: Omg ur dp is tooo cute!!!<3 hey there Im Gia!:) watsup?(:
          @SummerOf_69 Haha no problemo!(: :O and that would be ME!!! Ahaha Xcept Gia's just a nickname :') lmfaooo hun cuz that IS Zayn (; xD unless that was sarcasm and i didnt pick up on it o.O cuz i can b stupid like that someimes xD (:


Hey guys :D, as you all know or so we hope the main reason we made this account was to make an advice column. We'll like if you guys could PM us asking for any sort of advice so we could actually get started on it :). So ppl go tell us about ya problems xD. Like we've said before everything will be keep anonymous. 
          ~Erika :)