To the sweetest who have followed me throughout the years:
You deserve a hell of an explanation. I'm sorry that I haven't given you one sooner. My passions are now former, and for a time, my spark is dead. I no longer write, I no longer draw, I no longer play the instruments I've once adored. This will pass, like everything will. But for now, it feels like my creativity is dead, and there is a little possibility of revival in the near future. I, for a time, will be able to give no more to you.
Remaking my old chapters even is a difficult task. But, I'll still try my hardest. For now, however, I'll read whatever I can. For later stories and Fanfictions, I'll try to capture the characters' personalities, the minor details that make the grand picture work as a whole.
I love you all. My explanation is brief because I am tired, and aimless. But know I'll never leave any of you forever.