Hello to whoever is still active from 2012 lmaoo. I've been meaning to get back into writing again, and Idk man reading comments from back then has been warming my heart. I teared up a couple of times... Now as an adult ahaha I have a hard time reading my work because of the CRINGE!!! like I really used to type out chapters, not look at them ONCE and post them lmaoooooo??????? Like?? I used to HATE editing, but yall are real ones.
Tell me how I was re-reading He was cool, and I was crying at my own writing. I was 16?! WHAT WAS I ON?? LOOOOOOOOOOL???? PICKLES??/ No because I almost threw up reading that story. I haven't in 7 years you guys!! I think I needed that laugh. I kinda wanna be friends with me 16 year old me. She was funny!!
Anyway, omg I edited some chapters, but I didn't want to get myself into a deep hole. I also came across Myriah. I don't know if any of you remember that book??? That is going to be my next thing to slowly edit and post. I'm fixated on bringing back my favorite hobby in the world and that's writing :( I miss it so much. I think coming back to Wattpad and reading my old stuff was a blessing in disguise. I don't know who will read this, but if you do. Hello! This message is more for me and whoever wants to interact.
Wattpad has a place in my heart. I started in grade 10.... in 2010........ I can't believe that.... and now I'm turning.... A DEMONIC AGE I CANT EVEN ADMIT IT OMGGGGG!!!!!
If you're over the age of 25+ we can mourn our stolen youth (CURSE YOU COVID!!!!). If you're under 25... hello doughter.... sawn? whoever you are. My children... <3.
Anyway, omg.... Can someone talk to me.... Does anyone use this site ANYMORE