
I am going to delay Chapter 60 of Godspell to later this week since the current draft I have currently just doesnt feel right. I'm gonna try again with this chapter and hopefully have something by the end of this week. (Hopefully, friday will be the next update.)


Can you some How bring back saya from the dead and do artxsaya 


TBATE -GodSpell, Hi, I have a question, what happened to Sylvie in this story? I haven't read your story yet, but I intend to. I'm curious about what happened to Sylvia and Sylvie. Did they die? Will they appear later in the story? Will they still have any relationship with Arthur?


Hi, gonna be honest I wrote this as my first fic and didn’t plan anything to the point that I have no clue what I’m gonna do about Sylvia and sylvie. 
            I will warn that this fic is on hiatus due to college and work taking up all my time. I intend to pick the story back up once I have more free time, or maybe I’ll rewrite from the beginning to smooth over mistakes.


Are you going to write the fic "Godspell"?


I should honestly just make an announcement on this. 
            I do plan and want to continue writing Godspell. But due to college and work I am busy for 13 consecutive hours of the day leaving me not much time. Additionally, I have gained more knowledge and experience since when I first wrote Godspell so I have been wanting to do a complete rewrite to fix things. I don’t wanna give an estimate on when I think I will return to writing since that never tends to work out. 


I am going to delay Chapter 60 of Godspell to later this week since the current draft I have currently just doesnt feel right. I'm gonna try again with this chapter and hopefully have something by the end of this week. (Hopefully, friday will be the next update.)


Can you some How bring back saya from the dead and do artxsaya 


Mano, pq sua história tá aparecendo como completa pra mim? Porfavor não me fala que vc dropou essa fic, ela é uma das minhas favoritas


Graças a Deus. Você não tem ideia do susto que eu tomei


@CarlosEduardo736962 thanks for noticing that, I must have accidentally turned on the complete status. Don't worry I do not plan to drop the fic anytime soon.