
Okayyyyy......idek how to be comfortable with writing news, but my friend recommended it so yeah.......
          	For you guys reading my story, You Are Always Mine, there WILL be a character death somewhere within the next two or three chapters. Maybe in one...? Idk but I decided to warn you guys about the feels before they come so get your tissues ready.


Okayyyyy......idek how to be comfortable with writing news, but my friend recommended it so yeah.......
          For you guys reading my story, You Are Always Mine, there WILL be a character death somewhere within the next two or three chapters. Maybe in one...? Idk but I decided to warn you guys about the feels before they come so get your tissues ready.


I wanna take some time to thank you guys for following me. I'm working on some stories all at the same time, so I might not have enough time to talk. Thank you guys so so SO much for following. It means a lot! Liv and luv u guys!          - K-TOM