To anyone still following me, apologies for my lack of activity here recently. The last few weeks have been really rough on me, physically and mentally..
Lost a couple "friends" (not mentioning names but you know who you are..) and nearly one of my partners too, and as a result tried to take my own life..
And yes, I'm technically still a cutter but I'm working on quitting, almost three weeks sober as of now, been a bit harder with my current physical illness screwing with me right now but I'm trying.
Now I don't know if anyone will read this or not, nor do I know if I'll come back on here as much as I used to, if ever.. but if you do see this, just a reminder that I love you all, and I'm so deeply sorry if I've negatively affected any of you in some form, it wasn't my intention at all.
- Codi