
Alright, so I was tagged to answer some questions from another skilled writer. Now, O have no idea as to whether I’m supposed to answer in the comments or in conversations, so I’m just gonna go with the latter.
          	Sexuality: Demisexual; I’m only attracted to friends. As far as gender preferences, however, I honestly don’t know nor am I concerned at the moment.
          	Gender: Nintendo Switch :3
          	Last song: And then the girl went mad (from the Evillious Chronicles)
          	Happy?: Yup! I just drew so,etching like Suzunosuke, so my day is made.
          	Hair color: Brown with some light red strands here and there (my mom has red hair, my dad has darker hair.)
          	Zodiac: Gemini, though the personality descriptions is off by a mile.
          	Last person you kissed: Nada.
          	Fav color: Mostly green, but I do like blue and sometimes purple.
          	Fav food: HAHAHAHAHA
          	Battery: 45% but it’s still charging.
          	Celeb crush: Nobody, tbh. I think GACKT is nice looking for a 47 year old. But, no, not interested.
          	Fav vegetable: Vegetables are a culinary classification, not a botanical one. Vegetables don’t exist.
          	Shoe size: Nice try, FBI! (9).
  .... nineteen other people....


I want you to know that you are an amazing person.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you.
          Once you have read this message, you must send this to 15 people, including me.
          If you get at least three back you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight at 11:59 am, the person you love most will realize they love you.
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life.
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to 15 people.
          If you don't, you will turn ugly (in other people's eyes) for one year.
          A friend told me to do this so PASS IT ON.
          Tomorrow, two people will ask for your number.
          Send this to 15 people or back luck will find you for the whole year.
          THIS IS NOT FAKE


Alright, so I was tagged to answer some questions from another skilled writer. Now, O have no idea as to whether I’m supposed to answer in the comments or in conversations, so I’m just gonna go with the latter.
          Sexuality: Demisexual; I’m only attracted to friends. As far as gender preferences, however, I honestly don’t know nor am I concerned at the moment.
          Gender: Nintendo Switch :3
          Last song: And then the girl went mad (from the Evillious Chronicles)
          Happy?: Yup! I just drew so,etching like Suzunosuke, so my day is made.
          Hair color: Brown with some light red strands here and there (my mom has red hair, my dad has darker hair.)
          Zodiac: Gemini, though the personality descriptions is off by a mile.
          Last person you kissed: Nada.
          Fav color: Mostly green, but I do like blue and sometimes purple.
          Fav food: HAHAHAHAHA
          Battery: 45% but it’s still charging.
          Celeb crush: Nobody, tbh. I think GACKT is nice looking for a 47 year old. But, no, not interested.
          Fav vegetable: Vegetables are a culinary classification, not a botanical one. Vegetables don’t exist.
          Shoe size: Nice try, FBI! (9).
 .... nineteen other people....