
Godammit I forgot to turn on ā€œannounce this to my followersā€


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Hey everyone.
 I barely ever use this app anymore. At this point, thereā€™s a slim, SLIM chance of me finishing the fifth minetopia book.
          To be honest, Wattpadā€™s gotten worse, and I think itā€™s about time I move on. Wattpad was fun for me when I was thirteen and fourteen, but Iā€™m nearly an adult now (I just graduated from high school), and I havenā€™t been on wattpad as often as I used to for a while now. I kept making these empty promises and saying that Iā€™ll be on more often, but now I think Iā€™ve accepted the fact that my Wattpad phase has been over for about three years.
 make a long story short, Iā€™m pretty much leaving. I wonā€™t delete my account, though, in case anyone wants to read my stories. But just know that I wonā€™t be replying to comments or DMs or shit like that anymore.
          But um...yeah. To finish off, thanks to all my followers for putting up with my cringey middle-school self. And if you still want to talk to me, Iā€™ll be on instagram posting art (shadesartworld is my username).
          In the words of thirteen-year-old me...see you later, my fellow swag-kins! B)


Aight so since literally everything is closed/cancelled due to the pandemic, Iā€™m thinking of starting to write a new pokemon fanfiction that takes place in the Galar region. I already have an idea in mind for the main character, but I still need to give them a backstory and some personality traits. Iā€™ll try not to make them too much of a Mary-Sue like I did with my other main characters in my stories (Skye and Chip are the very definitions of a Mary-Sue. Millie isnā€™t as bad, but she still strays a bit into Mary-Sue territory). The biggest problems I might run into, though, are my shitty work ethic and self motivation; Iā€™m honestly surprised that I managed to finish ā€œBlowing Bubblesā€. I just hope that I can persevere while still trying to make the story good.


@Hula_Hoopa good idea! The character is going to be male, though.


@ShadeTheSavage Why don't you make her a rebellious free-spirit?


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Donā€™t you love it when your parents constantly have the news on, with nothing but Covid 19 stories? Me too, especially when that mixes with my depression and anxiety and causes me to have panic attacks! (Ngl, the first day I heard Coronavirus was affecting my hometown, I washed my hands five times in a row and broke into tears after school)
          Weā€™re fucking doomed :D


Iā€™ve put all the minetopia series back up, but only because I want to finish the last book and fill any plot holes (such as what happened to Deli and her kittens after TGITBH). Yeah...sorry that middle school me had to put you guys through that boring, hellish journey.


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Welp, I can officially confirm that wattpad is being a dumbass. You used to be able to read as many stories without being connected to the internet as possible, but now you can only read up to two. If you want to read a third one, you have to buy Wattpad Premium. Remember when wattpad was good? I miss those days.


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Okay. As you may know, Iā€™ve been REALLY inactive on wattpad lately. You may also know that Iā€™ve been making up excuses or procrastinating or shit like that for being inactive. But now, as much as I donā€™t want to admit it, I think itā€™s time for me to spill the beans. So...
          I have depression.
          Now, before you guys panic, the good news is that Iā€™m not suicidal, I donā€™t cut, and Iā€™m currently getting help.
          Itā€™s just that Iā€™ve lost so much motivation over the past few years, including my motivation to write anything.
          I really want to get back into writing, though, because I loved doing it. Looking at my old books sometimes gives me flashbacks on how much fun I was having, and then I look at my current self and think ā€œwhat the hell am I doing with my life now?ā€
          So...I think what Iā€™ll do is delete or archive the books of mine that maybe didnā€™t turn out so well. I think what I need is a fresh start. Since ā€œBlowing Bubblesā€ is the only decent book Iā€™ve written on here, Iā€™ll keep that book up. As for the rest of the books, theyā€™ll probably be archived or deleted. I donā€™t have an exact date for when this will happen, but if youā€™d like to read my other books one last time, Iā€™d suggest you do it now.


Hey guys.
          Iā€™m 97% sure nobodyā€™s going to read this, but Iā€™ll post it anyways. For the very few who ARE reading this, though, kudos to you for caring.
          Iā€™ve noticed that I havenā€™t been on Wattpad as much as I used to. This is not because Iā€™m lazy, but because I have more important things in life to focus on, and because this app has gradually gotten worse over time. Seriously, you have to pay money to finish reading certain stories.
          Iā€™ve deleted my joke book and unpublished One Bolt because I havenā€™t updated them for a while, and even if I did, what good would I get out of doing that? Almost nobody reads my books anymore.
          So what Iā€™m going to do is finish writing The Final Journey and my art book. After that, Iā€™m either going to leave Wattpad for good or take a REALLY long break from it. Donā€™t be mad; just know that I have a life too, and not every aspect of my life is focused on Wattpad.
          Iā€™ll still be active on instagram, though, because at this point, itā€™s the only social media I genuinely care about. You can follow me there: @shadesartworld