Rule 1: Must have your own OC (Original Character) Or Cannon Character you wish to play as, limit is 4 for characters
Rule 2: Don't control my character's actions, It dosent feel free to me that you would control my actions which dosen't make it fun to RP with you.
Rule 3: Only Human x Human, Human x Demon, Demon x Demon (No Human x Animal it’s horrible of me thinking someone wants to do something with s innocent animal
Rule 4: No Mary/Gary Sues.
Rule 5: Please provide a OC Chapter/Refrence page Link in PMs or Tag Me on the page and let me know because Tags sometimes don't load for me.
Rule 6: You play as my crush, I play as yours
Rule Cussing is allowed
Rule 7: Triggers: I'm not into women (I'm straight), no r@pe allowed I am against that
Rule 8: If you can’t RP plz tell me if you can’t RP cuz I find it very rude if I’m waiting hours upon hours on someone for a Roleplay and they haven’t responded at all.