
It's a long hot summer and love is in the air...or is it?
          	It's almost time to pack your sandals, swimwear and competitive spirit, and find out!
          	~ Serena <3 


For the covers:
          Well...none of them are the right size for covers so I can't say really


The actual size of covers is 512 by 800 or you can use other dimension, but yeah that's the main one. Just if you were wondering about that, but if I were to choose, I'd say the first


The actual size of covers is 512 by 800 or you can use other dimension, but yeah that's the main one. Just if you were wondering about that, but if I were to choose, I'd say the first


@MagmaKepner Ah, okay! Thanks for bringing that to my attention! :)


I have discovered the most effective way to get the littlest brother out of bed.
          It involves standing outside his room and singing the first verse of 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman', to which he predictably tells me to go away. Okay, bye.
          Five minutes later, I go back and sing the second verse, complete with short conversation with poster of Craig Mackail-Smith (not the first time that that's happened). There are vague squirms of embarrassment from littlest brother's bed. He tells me to go away. I comply.
          Ten minutes later, I go back and sing the third verse. Just as I've finished wrestling my voice into something that resembles the melody, the door flies open. Littlest brother is standing there, arms folded and still in his nightclothes.
          'Okay,' he says. 'I'm awake. NOW STOP SINGING.'


          Ooh, that sounds fancier than it is...
          Calling all Pokemon fans! (come on, I know you're out there)
          I don't care if you're an uber-competitive IV trainer with complete mastery over the TCG, or if you've devotedly played every single game or just liked the last one, or if you just happen to remember watching the anime way back when it was actually good. It doesn't matter if you know the base stats of every single move or can only just remember the Johto starters. Your opinion still counts! I'm doing a bit of research before considering starting on my next project and I need YOU to answer me a few relatively painless and simple questions. It won't take much time and it's totally informal (translation: nobody cares what you say except me and I just want to hear your opinions). If you're interested, please either inbox me here or at @RobotsWillCry and I'll send you some questions. Please don't message both accounts xD
          Thanks in advance,
          ~ Lizzie :)