
Hello people, I don't know how to tip toe around this but until further notice all stories of mine are on hold. The reason for this is because This morning I was pulled out of school and told that one of my dogs, Hollywood, was hit by a car and killed, my stories aren't canceled, infact I have plans on making all of my stories bigger and better. I just need time to take everything in and spend time with my remaining dog, Brownie, and my family. Well, I hate goodbyes so, I'll just say see you around.


@KenyonMcLain you have my condolences I know how it feels to lose someone like that


@KenyonMcLain damn i know im late to this but sorry that happened take all the time you need


@KenyonMcLain hi I hope you are well, I was curious if this account and the stories in it are still active/in progress or if they are abandoned?


@KenyonMcLain that  alright and I understand not wanting to force your stories to be made as if there was a deadline, I was just curious given that no updates on how your life is doing with writing was announced. 
            I hope you are well and just wanted to say that the story I found you through and loved was your ghost of the normandy story 


@Nightwolf676 I'm alright, just busy with real life stuff like work. Some of my stories won't be updated, at least not for awhile, I'm working on them when I get like a spark of inspiration to write, I don't like trying to force myself to write when my heart isn't in it, so they'll be updated, just very slowly, I'm writing the first chapter of my cyberpunk story right now before I go to bed. I hope this answers your questions, sincerely Kenyon