
Oh my gosh so i know I never do this but announcement If you want me to continue Life Begins At Night then please pm me and tell me because I don't know what you guys want and yes I am making a new book and it gonna suck and it gonna be called far from human and I know some of you like my book so I don't want to delete it without telling you guys! So please pm me and tell me! Alright talk to you later!


Oh my gosh so i know I never do this but announcement If you want me to continue Life Begins At Night then please pm me and tell me because I don't know what you guys want and yes I am making a new book and it gonna suck and it gonna be called far from human and I know some of you like my book so I don't want to delete it without telling you guys! So please pm me and tell me! Alright talk to you later!


HEY GIRL! How ya doin'?


@Shadow110Yj It's not a secret at all! I posted a comment for it in my convos on my profile, if ya wanna know what it's about and what's it's called, go and see what the convo says! *wink wink*


@Shadow110Yj I've got a new story  I'm gonna be posting tomorrow and I'm happy because I can finally start writing it! It's been stuck in my head all day long!


@Shadow110Yj That's good, that's good. And I'm fine, just excited.