
Hey brownies FF new chappy is here enjoy…✨


Hey brownies yenada marubadiyum kaaname poita ippo status update pandra marubadium mothal laniruntha nu ninaika koodathu .. hehe
          Actually im cooking a  really special story for you guys... yes I'm still continuing Our ERER AND FORBIDDEN FAIRYTALE..
           I even planned to extend ERER under some requests from you guys...
          So this story I really hope you all will love it just like
          BEASTYY AND ERER .. I'm just gonna reveal the name here .. and please don't expect me to update the new story now since I'm already very busy with my personal life and ERER .. 
          Soon I'll try my level best to give an update about my new love... 
          Stay tuned chocolates uh.. see you guys in my next update…


Hello guys I know na romba naal kanama poiten nu… hehe extremely sorry for that… but my life has been  nothing less than a rollercoaster… going through heartbreak isn’t something that easy … if any of your friends or family is going through it please be with them help them walk through that rough path… attachment isn’t something funny.. Getting yourself detached from a person who you thought would be your everything might cost your mental health… Choose your partner wisely guys because marriage is not only about 2 souls it’s much more than that.. Even if I can’t completely explain you guys about my absence I really hope you forgive this paava patta jeevan… I promise I’ll be back soon very soon… 2025 is literally being a very big lesson to me from jan itself… 
          Thank you for your understanding loves … 
          Ungga veetu pullaiya ninachu manichirunga pa haan 


@Shadow111_ take care...i know how it feelss 