
I announce new chapters on my insta if you wanna be up to date.


I know my stories usually take awhile to update because of the work I put in, but expect them to take a bit longer now. I have a job now, and that will likely limit when I can write. Hope you still stick around as these stories aren’t stopping anytime soon 


I’m saying this because it happened again. Do not advertise in the comments of my stories. If I do give someone permission to advertise, I will post it in this section myself. Please ignore any advertising you see in the comments of my stories 


I know it may seem like I’m kinda neglecting my other stories, but I’m just trying to get “Regret of The Forsaken” caught up to where the MHA anime is rn. Once I’m there, I’ll promise to write more for my other stories. Please be patient with me 


I have returned, and “My Unexpected Encounter With A Yandere” is officially finished. I will now continue to work on my other stories, I might also be working on a new project. You’ll just have to wait and find out about that though.


Not counting the chapter I’m currently working on, “My Unexpected Encounter With A Yandere” has 5 chapters left. In order to get it done and clear up my schedule a bit, I’ll be prioritizing this story over the others. I’ll still be working on the other ones, just don’t expect any new chapters to be posted till the Yandere story is finished