hey, I just want to let you all know something
Don't let people tell you how to live your life, how much you're worth, that you're a bad person, you control your own destiny and you can shape your own future, if people like that are in your life, just cut contact with them, they don't deserve to be your friend and aren't worth the time of day, just smile and be the bigger person, if you're kind to others then maybe they'll be kind to someone else, and just maybe, that little bit of kindness, even if they're mean to you, can change their heart, and they'll do the same thing, I just cut a pretty toxic person from my life just a little while ago and I feel pretty good, so I want to share that same feeling with you all, the people who care about me and think I'm a friend, and even those who don't and those who hate me, I'll extend the olive branch, it's up to you to decide if you'd rather take it or not.