Monthly Oc Cat Chat
This Month's Topic: My Oc clans.
Freestar: Did anyone realize that all but one out of 4 clans was founded by a tom?
Herbstar: Girl power!
Nightstar: Also, I came from Herbclan and made Nightclan, Herbclan came from Freeclan and those 3 leaders are still alive. To be fair, I was still basically an apprentice when I made my clan but Freestar is old!
Freestar: Well I gave up one of my lives to be younger!
Nightstar: Still.
Herbstar: Also also, I wanted to be a medicine cat, I was one's apprentice but then I just gave up on that for some reason to create Herbclan!
Nightstar: Also also also, like, 2 new clans were made in a span of 2 years!
Female Clan Leaders: Laughing
Smokestar: Puts on triggered face