
Wow it’s been a while huh? Well I’m here with a small announcement!
          	I’m moving some of my stories to other websites! Mostly I’ll be moving my stories to Ao3! Don’t think that means I’m leaving Wattpad, I’ve been working on chapters for multiple stories so expect something to update soon!
          	I’ve already begun to move some of my stories over to Ao3, some of which might even get some new content and clean up some of the messy writing I did in the past! 
          	Hope to have an update on a story soon for you guys! Bye!


Wow it’s been a while huh? Well I’m here with a small announcement!
          I’m moving some of my stories to other websites! Mostly I’ll be moving my stories to Ao3! Don’t think that means I’m leaving Wattpad, I’ve been working on chapters for multiple stories so expect something to update soon!
          I’ve already begun to move some of my stories over to Ao3, some of which might even get some new content and clean up some of the messy writing I did in the past! 
          Hope to have an update on a story soon for you guys! Bye!


Hellooooo! It’s been a while since I’ve updated a story but hopefully that will change soon.
          But I wanted to announce my One shot book for DEH and BMC is getting an UPGRADE!!!!!!(pun fully intended ;)
          I’m adding another fandom to the book. What fandom? 
          Sanders Side. Because my god I’m not making another one shot book for my logicality needs. 
          That is all byeeeeee


HELLO! I have news! I recently started a new story for anyone who hasn’t read yet called “The Prince of the Shadows” and the first three parts of the prologue are now out and up! This is in a new format then my usual stories instead of chapters it’s collective parts of a story
          Example: Chapter 1 (Part 1,2,3,4) so some parts might be longer then others but it’s all within certain timeframes :)
          I hope you enjoy reading it and I’m gonna try and update a few stories this weekend while I’m away and have the time :) comment on the stories and such on down here if there’s any in particular you want me to update sooner then later and I’ll do my best :D


HELLO EVERYONE! So recently I just notice I hit 50 followers!! :D
          In celebration of that, I’m going to let you guys decide which of the following stories should get a new chapter out first! (Eventually all of them will be updated but I want to know which one is the one people want the most :D)
          Your choices are...
          1. Be More Heroes
          2. Spellbound
          3. Nutcracker
          4. Blazing Hearts
          5. Masquerade 
          6. The knight and the Prince 
          7. BMC & DEH One Shots
          8. Future Kids One Shots 
          Comment below on this post which story you want to see the next chapter of the most and I’ll do my best to bring it to you guys! 
          And thank you everyone for following my account :D


So this is a sorta sneak peak update since this is about stories almost done (and some currently in progress with chapters ;)
          BMH- Currently working on next chapter :)
          Spellbound- Nearly finishes just adding the last few edits
          One shots- Working on a few at a time (both my books)
          Nutcracker- Working in it, not sure when The next chapter will be done.
          Now for new stories :D
          Kids of the Gods- New series, not BMC or DEH related! Similar to the Percy Jackson series but not exactly
          Moon Prince- Another BMC Royalty AU this time in a whole new setting and world different from Princess & Prince
          Speaking of that...
          The next in the Princess and the Prince series is coming soon :D so stay tooned for that! That’s all for now so until probably later when I post a new chapter, Bye ;3