To those who read this,
Many of you are no doubt in that all so important time of your lives, teenage years; many of you no doubt have a fair or okay relationship with your family, some of you may feel that your family doesn't understand the type of person you are and some of you my have no relationship with your family at all. I don't judge you for this, each person is on their own path.
But remember those who once held your hand when you needed it, maybe it's family, maybe it's not; no matter who it is remember to thank them, to hold them, to tell them you love them because you never know when it will all stop.
As some of you may know, I lost someone very close to me six months ago. Today those who loved them said their goodbyes and I was made painfully aware that I did not just lose one person, I lost so many more. I lost the people I was closest to, who might as well now be strangers. I will take some of the blame for this, I shut myself away to deal with what I had to but it is still painful to know I no longer have that relationship I have always cherished.
So take it from someone who knows, remember those you have today for you don't know if they will be there for you tomorrow...