Hello ^^, Its a pleasure to meet y'all UwU I hope we can be good friends and hopefully I meet a few new peeps and we can get along well, I also want to tell you a few things. In a Roleplay please don't spam or say mean things and also when it comes to group RPs keep it cool ^^ have fun. I prefer to be bottom when it comes to smut because I'm uncomfortable being top, plus I've had horrible experiences in the past sooo yeah please understand. Also when it comes to making stories I make them depending on mood so if it's happy I'm happy, if it's sad I'm sad, if it's yandere I'm feeling murderous, if it's funny, I'm feeling silly, if it's lonely, I'm lonely ya know all that stuff. If I just die [ya know stop talking or making stories for a while] I'm probably busy, but if it's for a day or so, PM me there's probably something wrong. Oh and please dont force to things, I already have anxiety and feel rushed as it is >_< Just give me some time, I'll have your requests up in known time and also if I'm not into the things you want to Roleplay, expect a no, don't force me to do it or be mad when I say no, I'm giving you a heads up right now. Also if you hate LGBTQIA or are transphobic or homophobic or you are racist or are a furry hater or don't like or don't like people with disabilities or you hate weebs or you body shame or anything like that I JUST WANT TO SAY ICH HAUSSE DICH UND FICH DICH SUKA!!! [Translate it for a surprise *wink* *wink* and yes I'm part German and Russian, it's in my blood, but mostly I'm Mexican and if you don't like it f*ck you] AND KINDLY F*CK OFF PLEASE I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT UwU have a good day and Thank you for reading this long, Cringy announcement XD.