
I have bd new for you guys and good news.. me and my costar of the rockstar story believe our hearts arent n it all the way so we decided to stop it good news were starting a new one and we promise we will follow through to the end
          	xoxo ShadowKiss


Yup I like you. I mean honestly I love your books!! Do me a fav and read mine but if ye dont want to then eh its okay!! Your books btw tell me that you are one funny chica but just slow done a little and if you want just  go online and I can tell you how to add all the chapters to 'It's not easy being a 17 year old rockstar when you go to public school' and put them in one story group so your fans dont have to go searching through places and on your profile
          Upload real soon
          Love you lots


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


          how are you?? 
          ive uploaded a true story.. which is about a horrible part of my life... 
          its called 'the sweetest lie' 
          ive also entered it for the watty awards.. 
          please read and let me know what you think!! 
          feel free to read the others and comment or reccomend:) 
          and dont worry they're quite short so it wont be time consuming:P 
          i will read/vote/fan yours too:) 
          take care 
          stay blessed:)


When you get assigned to be the bodyguard of one of the hottest, new moviestars in Hollywood, you would think any girl would scream in excitement, but not Cera Joyce. She sees right through his glamorous facade to the gets-all-he-wants whiny brat he really is. The journey Cera Joyce is about to embark on won't be easy, especially with Richard's spoiled demands, obnoxious attitude, and cocky demeanor hindering her ability to perform her job, but she faces every obstacle head on, regardless of the hoops she must jump through. Somewhere along the way though, Cera Joyce will realize things are not always what they appear to be and will have to face her biggest challenge yet! Read about it from Purplemiley0! :D 
          I'll apriciate all feedback and comments :] 


if you like stories on fantasy, romance, suspense, drama, and much more do i have a story you might like. this story does have a vampire in it however my own definition of how i think vampires should be and it also has many other surprises. if you are interested just stop by my profile and read Moonlight Angel. I also have a lot of poetry up under The poetry Factor if you are interested in poetry you might enjoy that. Please vote, comment, and read as much as you like. Thanks to all.
          The hopeless romantic Arkain @};--