this message may be offensive
Guys... I swear to god... I don't understand how Curtis can just say he's going to release an album and then not do it with absolutely no explanation why. If American Gothic's release date is changed to next Halloween I swear to fuck I'm done with Creature Feature for good. I don't care how much I love the band or Rx himself, but this shit is fucking ridiculous. He's busy playing stupid ass video games and updating his Instagram instead of POSTING AN ALREADY COMPLETED ALBUM to the GODDAMN INTERNET! You want Creature Feature to be successful? GIVE SOME FUCKING SUBSTANCE ALREADY! You don't just leave your fans hanging like that! I am getting more and more pissed by the day not because I was promised an album but because he's disregarding the entire fandom by not saying a WORD about it. And yes, I'm directly talking about Curtis and not Erik because there's nothing to say about Erik. I'm pissed at Erik for the same reasons, though. Absence. Not a word to the fans. That's not how you make money from fans. That's how you make fans turn against you. Fans like myself. I have been as loyal as can be. I have memorized the lyrics to all but two songs, bought all but two songs (of which I was going to buy when American Gothic got released) including the entirety of Dead Beat (excluding You'll Never Guess because fuck that song). I have two band shirts and was going to pre-order American Gothic PLUS buy it on iTunes. I was going to have both the physical and digital copy just so I can support them more, and this is what they do to me. To us. I don't care that I typically hate this fandom, we deserve better than this. Curtis, get your fucking act together right now before I make an Instagram for the one purpose of harassing you (that's an empty threat no one hate me please). Stop ignoring us. We are people. We're not brainless. We're not emotionless. We're not your puppets. Give us what you promised or we will be angry.