this message may be
@project_S4M4N7H4 Oh?
Your little friend decided to insult mine
I defended him
I am not an "attention seeking whore son of a bitch", as you put it, rather I think that title rather suits you
My "bullshit" is valid arguments. He tried using the fact his father was dead and cremated as an argument and I called him out for guilt tripping when he attempted the same thing in his apology to my friend
He was in the wrong
Everyone who was there can agree with that
You can go ahead and find a hacker
I really don't care
Hackers aren't murderers though, so you'll either have to hire a hitman or do it yourself, both actions can land you in jail
Should I report your account to Wattpad for harassment? Up to you
But, as you have left a similar message to my friend ill give you a warning
Don't fuck with him.