
After a long hiatus, I have returned, and with something new; Chapter 13 - Convincing. Hope you all enjoy it! 


Hello everyone! I’m back! After several months of work and delays due to finals, the holidays and other IRL stuff, I have finally finished my latest chapter. So, as a(late) new years present to you all, I present my longest chapter I have ever written for this story and my entire series. It’s nearly 16,000 words long, so…ENJOY!
          Thank you all for the patience!


@Shadow_Ark You're most welcome! 
            I will send a link as soon as it's done. Keep up the good work.


@We_Will_Meet_Again that would be wonderful! I would love to see fanaet of my story! And thank you so much for the review and feedback! 


@Shadow_Ark Hi ShadowArk, great work on the new chapter. I wanted permission to draw some fanart of your story. Would that be cool?


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves this lovely holiday. I just wanted to reassure some of you that I am, in fact, still here. I have been busy with finals and other irl stuff. However, a new chapter for my “Starting New: Returning Home” story is underway and will be one, if not THE biggest, chapter I have written so far; so stay tuned~
          Much love and happy holidays,


Merry Christmas too!


The two choices are clear now…but what will Nicole choose? Find out in Chapter 11: An Ultimatum. Now out and available!
          (Also, just wanted to thank you all for the patience. Schoolwork and life have gotten in the way of things recently, but I pushed through, thankfully. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and story so far!)
          Until next time~


Chapter 10: Acceptance is now up and readable. 
          Just as a slight warning, this chapter will have sensitive issues and wild emotions in it. If you have any issues with that, I recommend reading it with caution. 
          Also, this chapter will be a long one, so buckle up and enjoy everyone~ 


Chapter 9: Breaking Down is now officially out! Just as a heads up everyone, this chapter will contain sensitive events, so if you are triggered by such things, I don’t recommend you read it. 
          Thank you all for the support and patience, as always~


Sweet! Gonna check it out in a bit 


Things are now starting to heat up with Chapter 7 for my Gumball story “Starting New: Returning Home”. It is now out and finished! Hope you enjoy it everyone!~


@Shadow_Ark I hope we get some questions answered, respectfully lol! Just so fired up for this story! I'm about to read it now