Note to self, never follow along with Class of '09's locations. Apparently, the Barcade hadn't opened until 2015, and the Metro Line in the Flipside hadn't existed until late-2010s, wtf.
Reading Lists
Note to self, never follow along with Class of '09's locations. Apparently, the Barcade hadn't opened until 2015, and the Metro Line in the Flipside hadn't existed until late-2010s, wtf.
Note to self, never follow along with Class of '09's locations. Apparently, the Barcade hadn't opened until 2015, and the Metro Line in the Flipside hadn't existed until late-2010s, wtf.
Hey I’m just going to ask are you still doing Y/N x Nicole
BrianGeller here I got into a argument someone called SarahElijah0 yesterday on your recent chapter of the 09 mad does not begin to explain how I am feeling right now, they me suspended, figures the Jeckole lover cannot handle colorful language from someone they p.ssed off last night, thank you for writing that chapter to pander to that group of people, I have to know try to get my account back because someone got their feeling hurt, I am mad, locked out of my account because of it, thank you.
@Shadow_Collective99 I am deeply sorry for how I wrote those 2 comments, I promise I was not mad at you it was at the other person, I was not in a good state of mind when writing the comments and regret my rude language, thank you for the encouragement, and I look forward to what you have planned for next.
@BHoliday0 Ah, sorry for the loss of your account. I hope you're able to recover it! Also, THANK YOU for reading my stories otherwise I would've given up long ago! xd
I wasn't expecting eleven replies, holy moly! (Anyway, yeah I'll leave that femboy stuff to somebody else. It was nice experimentation for a bit! Straight, awkward gym bro, overachiever who thinks he's an underachiever (Y/N) will stay!
If possible romance oneshots with us and each love interest from your class of 09 story where we live alone and our parents are dead, never mind just remembered we aren't getting oneshots until the story is over.
Would you guys like to see more of Femboy/Boy Failure (Y/N)? ex: Chapter 1 rewritten
@Shadow_Collective99 A nod to them, sorry if this sounds rude but please make the lastest chapter non canon, if the Jeckole fans reading your book want that then go read another book there are a lot of that else where, I read a class of 09 malereader story, I read for the romance and relationship between us and the girls, I don't want that taking away, because people want to see what is already available in many on this site, the romance we got with Nicole would never happen in the game, that is way fanfiction exist to change things from canon and creating your own spin on things. As for my response on the other stuff, makes sense I agree with you there.
@JacobAckerman7 @@Shadow_Collective99 Yes I agree me to! I also want to see y/n x Nicole and not Nicole x Jecka.
@Shadow_Collective99 Plus, writing plotlines does take time. Sometimes for me, it appears clearly and other times, it doesn't.
I thought this was Y/N x Nicole
@JacobAckerman7 @Shadow_Collective99 Just read the chapter and agree with you I thought the same not a fan of the recent chapter, not a fan of the Jecka x Nicole stuff, I honestly am starting to lose interest in the OG 09 ark, the first to arks, amazing, things are very slow, not talking about chapters being made those come out when the author wants them to, talking about the story and plot feeling slow, and romance is slower, and the Nicole x Jecka stuff was not a fan of that and the chapter not having our point of view, it is not bad the OG ark he is writing, I am just starting to lose interest do to the points above, still very good and I am still going to read it even if I lose interest completely.
I just realized there's another movie YN can go watch with Nicole when they get to 2009 and it is the movie called Zombieland
Chapter 14's released of LHS: Chain of Memories has dropped!
For Chapter 14, I'll apologize in advance. It'll be Jeckole-centered chapter. (Y/N) might be mentioned once or twice, but it's viewpoint will solely be on Nicole's unreliable narrative. As for how rivals will work for (Y/N)'s [Sisyphus] Chemical bond with our female protagonist, then you'll have to wait and see. Spoiler Alert: (Y/N) will be rejected a lot.
@BrianGeller 1. The final divider after OG arc will go through all the other routes listed. 2. You can expect to see that after a million years! (Maybe some innuendos every now and then). 3. Since (Y/N) lived alone for the last two game arcs, I thought it would be interesting if he was placed in a dysfunctional family to live with. Because, I wouldn't be sure how to write him living alone for the third time in a row (technically fourth time since Class of '09: Anime Chapter)
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