I have no words, really don't know what to say about this controversy, as a Wubble shipper (Wilbur Soot x Shelby Grace) this bums me out so much, I also feel bad for Shelby since she had to go through this. For anyone who doesn't know, allegations, no allegation is not the right word, there is proof that Wilbur Soot had been abusing his Ex-Girlfriend, he made a tweet confessing to this, and I'm disgusted by how he didn't even apologize he just said he is getting help, that is the equivalent to J.D. just saying I need help when he goes to court for his crimes. I do not feel bad that I changed the 2 characters in my story's last names since they were just Wilbur Soot and Shelby Grace and I changed them to Will Hayes and Shelby Carter, this evidence comforts me that I managed to change their names before the controversy, one last thing I'm changing their designs, so there is no connection to Wilbur and Shubble, Will's hair is now blonde and Shelby's hair is the same but she has very tan skin. I should bring this up so you don't misunderstand my words, I'm just announcing my feelings on this controversy, what I'm going to change about the characters, and please support Shubble in this time of hardship, It must have been really hard for her to speak out. And for the slinthead Wilbur, you need some serious help to fix the damage you have caused, don't think you're getting away easily since the internet never forgets, and I forgot, we are all still waiting for that goddamn apology dickhead...