Hi long time no see, my messages have disappeared but that's fine, anyways lots of stuff happened while I was gone lots of stuff is still happening, my grandma passed away a few months back my mom broke up with a prick she was dating, I was homeless for a bit, still kinda am but I'm with my great grandma now, fixed some issues and still working through them anyways although I haven't made books in a while, I'm gonna try,mostly as a way to keep myself from offing myself but also because I'm learning that my life has been pretty eventful and I need an outlet, I've given up on lots and I'm unsure what to do anymore
@Shadow_Glitch-dott Don't give up, you can still fix more issues and there will be others to support. If you ever need a person to talk to or just listen you can always say. I apologize I came out randomly like this just to say, but I do care for others regardless if they're my friend or not