
Hey do you guys want to read a story about a mermaid in captivity getting freed by an autistic activist and falling in love bc I'm writing one x 
          	I don't know how to balance my hyperfocus oopsies


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Not A Love Story is under construction and has been unpublished! I'm very sorry to the 650 people who were reading it but because of a very long time shoved in a corner I forgot where I was going with shit so I need to replan things. I plan on possibly aging the characters just a bit, as I'm no longer a high schooler, but really there is no telling what is going to happen! <3 thanks 


Hi everyone! I've made an Instagram for my writing on here. I've thought about it a lot before but decided it was time. I'll be posting a lot about my works (sneak peaks, etc) if anyone wants to give me a follow at Shadow_Posion318 thanks :)


Okay everyone I am so sorry for being MIA update wise, but as you all should know I have brain no worky and with that cones out of sight out if mind, and I've had my notifications turned off for months :)
          I also have a full time job and recently have been pulling 50-70hr a week, and being disabled that definitely takes a toll
          However I promise updates are coming, and I've turned my notifications back on so hopefully they keep me working, thanks for liking my content, stay freaky


Hey, are u Ever gonna continue the ironfam onshots (spacificly Mr Stark)???? 


@Spooky_shadow I am so sorry, yes I do plan on it, I really hadn't even realized so much time has passed between updates, I have a full time job and that takes up 90% of my time, but I have been trying to get it done <3