Hi, I'm no longer writing on Wattpad anymore. I won't take down my stories and will still reply to a few comments on them, but I've lost motivation for writing on Wattpad. Wattpad was my go-to for fanfic on Beyblade Burst, but I've lost interest in that too. I still do write fanfics for other fandoms, but I don't feel comfortable posting on Wattpad anymore as I find other websites make it easier to share my stories as an anonymous writer. Also, I'm enjoying original writing more now, but those aren't shared so you won't find any of those on Wattpad. I really appreciate everyone who's read my work. It's made me more confident as a writer. If you want to read more (in a fandom you probably have never heard of), you can check out my AO3 account: Diamondfrost37, or my AO3 pseud FrostSpirit. Again, none of my stories will be taken down. I will just be less active on Wattpad and no longer writing on here, just reading and replying. Shadow_Seer

@Shadow_Seer i'm glad i stumbled upon your works; they're lovely. i wish you the best in your current and future pursuits, whatever they may be. :)