Today was a very bad day for me because my parents made their final decision about moving to new York city and they are proud of making that decision and my future, since they said "your girlfriend and her friend are being a bad influence on me with this technology, school, dance party and all this punk-emo-stuff that is making you a sinner to this family" they literary think my girlfriend and her friend are a bad influence on me, but that not true because I been like this since I was little and getting into lgbtq because I finally found who I'm really am, but they don't expect this and the whole new generation and they still called the Lgbtq community the "f" word and judging people and tell them how much they are going to enjoy being in hell and that really upset me. they thought if we moved somewhere, they Think I might follow God rule is the married 1 men + 1 women only That what they think I might happen, but no it's never gotta happen because I'm almost 18 and I gotta get out of my parents house and go out to the world to explore and be free who I am. What they said today, soon as we get back to NM we are going to leave in a few weeks and they crossed the line, because they said when we move you giving back your girlfriend gift back and we are going to get rid some of your stuff about the devil punk stuff and we are going to burn some of your lgbtq stuff and then you don't have to say goodbye to your girlfriend in person, because we be gone before she finds out THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW I FEEL AND THEY DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO GET RID OR BURN MY STUFF AND I DON'T GET A CHANCE TO SAY GOODBYE TO MY GIRLFRIEND. THEY THINK MY GIRLFRIEND IS GOING TO BE OKAY WITH THIS NOO, SHE NOT, SHE BEEN THOUGHT A LOT OF STUFF THOUGHT HER ENTIRE LIFE AND SHE SUFFER WITH DEPRESSION, ANXIETY ... they don't think about me, they only think about themselves. All I wanted is to be free and .... Happy, #parents If you agree with my parents Or #free me If you agree with me
@Shadowarmg101 #free Stay strong. One day, you’ll be able to spread your wings and find the one you love again. Don’t focus on the bad that’s happening now, focus on the day that you will be free from your parent’s grasp and you can prove to them that love has no limits and that you can be happy with whoever you love.
@Shadowarmy101 #free because thats bs of what your parents are saying and doing.