Hello my faithful readers! It has been an incredibly long time since I've updated right? As you can all see, I've decided to stop writing my books. I've floated away from this fandom (as you can all see) and new interests have come. I have a strong hate for the books that I have posted as my younger self was less... Knowledgeable about writing stories and, looking back, they're incredibly cringe worthy!!! But, because of very popular demand, people of the YJ community have been given a choice! Out of all my stories, one will be updated for the very last time. It will be my last update and final goodbye to the Young Justice community. I have set up a poll for everyone to vote for which story they want to be updated. Voting starts today and ends in 10 days! (10/02/2018 - 20/02/2018). After all the results have been collected, the story will take around 8 days to be released and shared for the public (28/02/18). After voting, share with other people who are part of the community if you want your favorite story to be updated! (I'm honestly expecting not even 20 people to vote, no joke) If by some chance it's anywhere later than the 28th, everyone is free to bombard me with comments and scream at me to update. (I've made everyone wait for 2 years so it's only fair). With much love, Your lazy reader Link: http://pollmaker.vote/p/T2GQTJ5H

@Shadowbird2103 yes. I have plot points for most of the stories. I am however also working on some others. I will however try to make them worthwhile.

@JosephDiTomaso yes, @DragonSpring38912 is correctly. This account is no longer active, I use this app once every couple of months, hence my inactivity. I'm also busy with my personal life and as mentioned in my long response above, I've fallen very much out of interest. But, this very kind author wanted to adopt my story and it will be continued from there! Please take care of my children, they were my firsts! I'll be doing checkups on how you're going ;) Don't ever be afraid to ask me any questions :)