
Hey guys, it's Stormy...WAIT! Before you mob me for being gone so long, let me explain. I've had a lot of personal issues and events and a bunch of other stuff going on lately, and things are only now starting to calm down some. I'm currently typing this on my dad's computer when I'm supposed to be asleep. I have been writing though, so I will be updating what little I have, and will try to find a way to become more active. For those who talk to me personally, I'm really sorry for disappearing without explaining what's going on. I will try to get on Skype or something for my birthday, so I can at least say hi. Just know I am alive and well, everything is going (mostly) smoothly, and I should be able to get contact back soon, but it will not be nearly as frequent as it used to be. There's just too much going on right now, what with school, birthdays, holidays, ther-nope, not revealing that here. Anyways...I've been rambling (again), so expect another update or two tonight. For those who talk to me personally, please spread around I'm still alive and kicking? I shudder to think of how some of you guys are taking my absence. Bye!


Hey guys, it's Stormy...WAIT! Before you mob me for being gone so long, let me explain. I've had a lot of personal issues and events and a bunch of other stuff going on lately, and things are only now starting to calm down some. I'm currently typing this on my dad's computer when I'm supposed to be asleep. I have been writing though, so I will be updating what little I have, and will try to find a way to become more active. For those who talk to me personally, I'm really sorry for disappearing without explaining what's going on. I will try to get on Skype or something for my birthday, so I can at least say hi. Just know I am alive and well, everything is going (mostly) smoothly, and I should be able to get contact back soon, but it will not be nearly as frequent as it used to be. There's just too much going on right now, what with school, birthdays, holidays, ther-nope, not revealing that here. Anyways...I've been rambling (again), so expect another update or two tonight. For those who talk to me personally, please spread around I'm still alive and kicking? I shudder to think of how some of you guys are taking my absence. Bye!


Hello Shadow-veils, this is Stormy on my shared account with my co-writer, CrayonCraft. Just wanted to let you guys know that we've got the prologue up for our newest collab, and that something, either on this account, the shared, or Crayon's, SHOULD go up tomorrow. But, no complete promises, as things do come up that will inhibit our posting abilities. That's all for now! ~Stormy


Welcome new followers! Terribly sorry for the lack of updates or a welcome, but I've been very busy lately. However, I've written a few poems that will go up soon. Unfortunately, VRF has not been worked on, but I just don't have the time to sit down and write up a chapter. Please bare with me on that story, as well as the stories on my joint account.
          Anyways, be on the lookout for those poems!


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. School has started again, and it's really taking away my time. But. I will be updating a few things, both on here and on the joint account. Be on the lookout for our new story, it should go up sometime soon. It should of been put up weeks ago, but we were trying to get the prologue right, and then Crayon disappeared (see the message on the joint account for more details on that). Anyways, hope you guys like the new content, and can forgive me for the lack of updates.


Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you that Crayon and I have decided to put one of our collabs, Troubled Hearts and Twisted Minds, on hold for the time being. The reasons why are in a message on our account, as well as info on our new book! *gasp* Go ahead and go check out the message on the account Krystin_Gregisee


So! I realize that I haven't posted in forever, and there's a reason for it. I suck at remembering to post things. So, how will I fix this? By moving my collab, Forbidden Roses and Poisoned Thorns, to an account shared by me and the co-author, Crayoncraft. the account is called Krystin_Gregisee, and I will be following the account if you can't find it


Okay, for anyone that's read Shifters and now sees it gone, don't panic; I'm rewriting it so that it's 100 times better! Not so confusing, more in depth characters, a faster paced story without the slowness or onslaught of information at the beginning, and the summary will now describe the story more accurately. Well, more like the story following the summary, but you get the point.