
When a guy thinks you like him but you like the enby right next to him and you never talk to him. Also you knew he was spreading a rumor you liked him so you started acting really friendly with girls and said “I’m gay” loudly around him multiple times but he still confronts you about this supposed crush and won’t take no for an answer  fun times


@Shadowhound626 lamo I've been dead
          	  ikr?? they just cant help it can they


When a guy thinks you like him but you like the enby right next to him and you never talk to him. Also you knew he was spreading a rumor you liked him so you started acting really friendly with girls and said “I’m gay” loudly around him multiple times but he still confronts you about this supposed crush and won’t take no for an answer  fun times


@Shadowhound626 lamo I've been dead
            ikr?? they just cant help it can they


I have to be up for school in like 5hrs and won't be able to go to sleep early tomorrow either because my dads making us go to a bunch of wrestling events for his birthday


            It's only day two and I'm already relying on monsters to keep me alive


@Shadowhound626 dang
            school is whole month away for me
            feel bad, bro


I kinda need some advice
          We took my cat to the vet today and found out she is microchipped and was adopted two years ago in a shelter about 3 hrs away. We found her living in the street and have had her for two months. She's completely bonded to me and I don't know if we should pursue trying to find the owners and seeing if they want her cat or just keep her. I know the moral thing but the thing is she literally wouldn't eat her food for a week when I was gone for camp and only really nibbled some so she wouldn't starve. Do I do what's morally right or what's best for me and my cat?


We decided to contact the shelter she was adopted at and they haven't responded. We put out an alert on the microchip and if we don't get a response from the owner in four days the vet said she's ours


It is 2:27 am and I woke up not to the freaking fire alarm that went off for no reason right by my bedroom but because my parents were whisper yelling outside of my door. Then my dad opened my door and filled my room with bright light and the beeping won't stop and I guess I won't get any sleep tonight. Not like I need it for any of the five hundred things I need to do today


!!!!!!!! I told the first of my friends who knew my old name the new pronouns and name J wanted to try out this year and they loved it and told me their new name andbdjdfndbdbdbd it's this amazing feeling 
          I really like my name
          I can go "Hi I'm Chami I go by she/her" and it sounds like a females name or go "Hi I'm chameleon and I go by they/them" and it sounds like a non-binary name and it gives me so much serotonin


            Thank you 
            Every time I fake introduce myself I get so freaking happy snfndnrn I love ittt so much I think Chami is going to be a nickname I use and Chameleon will be my full name and people can call em either


@Shadowhound626 no bc the names r so pretty what-
            Also I'm happy that you found names that fit you and that you love :)


I started making my scripting character for the umbrella academy and she is literally the child of Raven and Beast Boy. I didn't mean to make her be just like them but she has black hair with green highlights and both their powers. I didn't realize until I made them her parents that it fit so perfectly and now I'm happy