
Alright, so what is going to happen is that Frozen Asgard and Mystical Arendalle is going too have a makeover done and they are both going to be rewritten and most likely combined into one book the time that will be a lot longer. I have already started the edit and have almost 1,000 words on it and there will be longer chapters and more Loki and Elsa moments for sure. Frozen Fever will also be introduced into the book and will hopefully everyone will like it. Thank you so much to all my followers to all your patient waiting and support, I cannot wait to finish these for you. If there are any questions, concerns, or comments, message me or reach me and I will hopefully be able to get back to you ASAP. Hope to see you all very soon, have a great weekend!!!!


Alright, so what is going to happen is that Frozen Asgard and Mystical Arendalle is going too have a makeover done and they are both going to be rewritten and most likely combined into one book the time that will be a lot longer. I have already started the edit and have almost 1,000 words on it and there will be longer chapters and more Loki and Elsa moments for sure. Frozen Fever will also be introduced into the book and will hopefully everyone will like it. Thank you so much to all my followers to all your patient waiting and support, I cannot wait to finish these for you. If there are any questions, concerns, or comments, message me or reach me and I will hopefully be able to get back to you ASAP. Hope to see you all very soon, have a great weekend!!!!


To all my wonderful followers, (I feel like I should come up with a cool nickname for you guys) I am working on Mystical Arendalle, it's just not coming out the way I think it should, but I am trying to make an excellent chapter for everyone. I would like to give a shout out to GeekySnowflake for sticking around this long (even though I haven't updated for a month or more) anyway, I'm working on everything and hope to have an update soon.


thankies for the follow cx


@its_AwkwardLarry True, and I am in Loki's Army so it's fitting