
I am so excited! My cowrite and I just finished our third chapter of Webs We Weave! Its getting good ya'll. But we realized we had totally forgot to post the second chapter! :O No worries, we got it up now. So go check it out! 


I am so excited! My cowrite and I just finished our third chapter of Webs We Weave! Its getting good ya'll. But we realized we had totally forgot to post the second chapter! :O No worries, we got it up now. So go check it out! 


I know, I know...I said I would publish and update and I haven't. Ya'll things had gotten crazy and who am I to deny life? Anyway things are settling and hopefully I will be able to start working on some of my stories. Comments, votes and my fans keep me going so thank you all for the encouragement!


@SarahWeaver6 Sure but I don't have anything up on there yet. It's InspiredBlonde. I am actually on there more to follow my favorite artists :3


@Shadowpetals Could I watch your deviant art? I used to illustrate there too.^^


Hello my beautiful darlings! I know I have been a way for too long and I am going to make a come back. Classes ended for me today and so I have a entire month off before school begins again. Whoop! Whoop! I'll be getting into the stories you all love and most likely publishing some new things. Don't forget to check out my co-write story with MysteriousMystery called Webs We Weave. I think it is turning out to be a great story so far!


Check out my co-written story  called Webs We Weave! Written with Mysteriousmystery. 
          A noble knight saves the beautiful princess and they both ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after...Or so the story is told. What if the knight was not a knight at all, but he is saving the princess for the selfish reasons just to become one? And what if the princess didn't go with the man, but she had her own agenda? Well, that would be quite the story... A story worth telling.


Hey guys! How are y'all doing so early in the year? I hope everyone's year has been fantastic. I uploaded a new chapter to Flickering Intrepidity aka All is Not What it Seems! Go check it out and tell me what you think about the new title! :)


Hey guys! I hope everyone had a awesome holiday! Well I started the new year of with a new story and a story that I am determined to take all the way to the top! Haha :) because of this determination I want to be dedicated to this story and I am going to be adding new chapters every two weeks on Sundays. So go check out All is Not What it Seems. Don't worry though my other new year's resolution is to be more active on here so my other stories would get some attention as well :)


So sad that I can't just do this with the status thing we had in the old layout because now I get to bother you guys about my stories!  XD Anyway a lot of you follow because of Boy Meets Boy? so I wanted to let you know I am writing the next chapter and hopefully it will be up in the next few hours! Yah!