@Shadows4knight Yes hope still loves you and I burned my finger and if you are going to come over then you need to act like it's a Christmas surprised and if you are going to bring the gifts then rap then and it will be like Christmas presents. And act like I have no part in it and please bring Ruth
@Devilblooswolf and we can end up talking to her or something of Course I might be able to go this weekend since yk thanksgiving and stuff who knows but if I do am bringing the gifts and stuff
@Devilblooswolf see if your parents want to see if you and Ruth can hang out and if they say yes all send the number and stuff and to when the gifts probably on the break since i was gonna see if i could take espi somewhere or just hang out overthere or something depndss on what your parents allow it overall should be this weekend and all try seeing if i can make some more