
Wow, it's been years since I was active on here. I hope you all are having an okay 2021, and here's to the brighter (hopefully) future! *Clinks glass*




Wattpad is suddenly trying to get us to feel no shame about checking the “Notify My Followers” box. Maybe it’s because I’m on an iPhone, but I recall it always being off in the past (on Android). I know it sends emails (or it used to) and that always seemed like it could be annoying if abused.
          What do you guys think?


          Ello, ‘Padians!
          I need some big, big help! I’m am undertaking a huge project with my church: Vacation Bible School!
          Unfortunately, I’ve little experience with any youth church activities seeing as I never had much of an opportunity to be a part. And this is my FIRST time running such a grand project!!
          So I’m looking for any and all advice you guys can give me for this! I need to know:
          1. What was your favorite thing about your VBS?
          2. Got any pro tips on what I should think about as a leader/overseer?
          3. What do you wish your leaders had thought about or done during VBS? What was most neglected?
          Any other advice is helpful! Our VBS is still in planning and I’ll be sure to update anyone who’s interesting in seeing how this is going.
          Thank you in advance to anyone who responds!
          ~God bless!


@usergame19 Sorry this response is so late. Thank you so much for your input!! Much appreciated! <3


@ShadowsWithinMe I can help with that my mom used to prepare VBS in my church
            1. My favorite was the friendly environment and the very understanding people.
            2. Have attention catching activities
            3. Drawing and writing letting creativity flow that was most neglected when I went
            Also little tip as rewards you can give little things like candy, another tip is get there before the kids. Hopefully this helps! Bye!
            And have a blessed day~