
Hey Guys! Lucy again because  is killing me. Not really but I just wanted to let you guys know that a update to Embrace The Shadows will be coming out in about a week


HEY LUCY HERE!!!!!!!!!!! CURRENTLY IN CLASS WITH CECE.  I know i'm failing as an author guys. Sorry. I will post a new chapter for this book soon. CECE IS READING OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! XD! IM hella bored. Sorry..... Anyways hope I can brighten yall's day. BYE weneedanameforyall.....


Hey Everyone!!! It’s Lucy. I just want to say thank you for everyone who read our book so far. I’m working on another chapter right now. Don’t worry I got y’all! I love My Shadowlings who have read it. Anyway love y’all Bai!!!!