I've been pretty dead on here for a while but I'm thinking I might start posting something soon. My motivation may have other plans but for now I decided to take a crack at writing a fanfic based on pheezlangwell's bully series on tiktok. Maybe some of y'all will be interested if I ever actually get that out at some point
Hey @Shady_Tato, not sure if you’ll see this but I’ve been a fan of your work for years, just recently dusted the old Wattapad and just wanted to finally give you your roses and say your Charisk fics are great. Thank you
I've been pretty dead on here for a while but I'm thinking I might start posting something soon. My motivation may have other plans but for now I decided to take a crack at writing a fanfic based on pheezlangwell's bully series on tiktok. Maybe some of y'all will be interested if I ever actually get that out at some point
@avior-etc You're very welcome. Also if I can't think of anything clever to say while reading your story, you can at least expect a nice message from me once I get to the latest chapter :)
Hola mi amigo/Amiga-Idk what the difference is between the two I’m not Spanish.
Anyways I’m here to recommend a book.
How exiting!?
Anyway the book is Mark my words.
Very good if I do say so myself
@Justiceforcharley19 the difference is that amigo is masculine and generally use it when talking about males, amiga is feminine and you generally use it when talking about females. I'm also not Spanish but I know the basics of gendered language.
I'll definately be adding that book to my library to read at some point in the future. Thank you dear friend