
Heya my sweet freaks,
          	Sorry for this long abscence, but hey life happens and trust me you would have not liked to be a part of mine for these last 12 months... To cut short on a long rant: DO NOT come to France thinking you're coming to a free country with a long established social system- You will get owned big time and they will rip away up to the last penny you own. 
          	For the moment I am back and will get back on the RG as soon as I can manhandle my phone into submission. To give you some more for this long absence I have started on a manuscript of a new story which will be more of a Heroic Fantasy rather than Mystical Fantasy... So I am really sorry for this long and certainly frustrating absence, but I'm back and I don't count on leaving anytime soon :)
          	Love y'all for all the support and votes that I still got in this prolonged absence and send you all my freaky love.
          	Biscuits my Darklings I'm out ;)


Heya my sweet freaks,
          Sorry for this long abscence, but hey life happens and trust me you would have not liked to be a part of mine for these last 12 months... To cut short on a long rant: DO NOT come to France thinking you're coming to a free country with a long established social system- You will get owned big time and they will rip away up to the last penny you own. 
          For the moment I am back and will get back on the RG as soon as I can manhandle my phone into submission. To give you some more for this long absence I have started on a manuscript of a new story which will be more of a Heroic Fantasy rather than Mystical Fantasy... So I am really sorry for this long and certainly frustrating absence, but I'm back and I don't count on leaving anytime soon :)
          Love y'all for all the support and votes that I still got in this prolonged absence and send you all my freaky love.
          Biscuits my Darklings I'm out ;)


Hello my Sweet sweet freaks,
          Finally got around reading Fifty Shades Trilogy. I am profoundly and utterly Deceived.
          It took time for me to read these through, even if usually a book of this length is basicaly an hour treat for me.
          The first voley seemed entertaining enough, and without the oh so expected BDSM scenes. I feel like I have watched bad porn. Pointless, directionless and subdued. 
          Protagonists are shallow and ill presented, no real pull or attachement to them.  The story is shallow and uninteresting and gets only further that way over the suites. 
          I hate to think of the amount of time it took me to read three rather thin books...
          I felt detached from the story, the only moment my interest felt peeked was a rather interesting debute of the psychological insight of the male protagonist. I finally felt peeked, the book talking to something I found nourishing, but false alert, all the psychological insight is to get to the same boring place - love making. NOT the real one, but a sort of teenage-boys-kinky-fantasy kind of love making. BORING. I roar inside my poor famished brain, echoes rebounding of my senses turned backs. 
          I have never felt more disapointed in a book that at the first sight seemed promising. I am even more outraged at myself for not having read the critics on it or else I would have probably never touched it. 
          Basically I now feel braindamaged and intelectually famished. 
          Will probably ig into something more literary enriching...
          Glad to be over with it,
          Shayene Deathstalker


Hey, my sweet freaks,
          I'm working on the chapter of RG, but I don't think the update will be ready before the next week or even the week after as I started working on another project that I really need to go through you can find it here on wattpad in a non-fiction cathegory going by the name of Letters to thy Self.
          I'm going to work on both projects so don't despair, Alice is still going to entertain you with her crazy existence.
          Love ya'll and I am humbly gratefull for not having forgot about this story.
          Your's truly,
          Shayene Deathstalker


Hey my sweet  freaks,
          Sorry for such a long silence, but life of a single mom is not easy nowadays and as you can guess from my other work 'Author's ponderings' I'm a freakin ball of anxious deliriums and crapy luck. But hey I'm glad to see as many of you following up on my story and I'm glad to welcome some new freaks in the followers section. Love y'all for being so faithful and I finally have some time to get down on my personal favorite story, Soooooo, heads up additional chapter and rewrite of previous chappters will be getting on for you my sweeties :) So all bless Windows phones with Word in it and good reading to you :)
          Shayene Deathstalker
          ~fear the dark


To all of my followers,
           I am really sorry for the delays, and I have no excuse except that my whole life is one hectic pile of problems and my writing depends on the state of mind I'm in. I feel bad fr having abandoned you so I will do all in my powers to end a chapter or two by the end of this week. Hope you'll forgive me and appreciate the suite to the Reaper's Girl.
          Love Y'all ;)* 
          Shayene Deathstalker


Hey my sweet freaks, 
          I know it's been a long time since I updated, but trust me when I say that the reasons were  more than serious. The good news are that the new chapter will be out before tonight and I am really glad that you are still with me for this dark adventure. I really hope you will like it  :) 
          Thank you all for sticking with me :) I love you all and I really thank you for the support that really remotivated me to continue to write :) this story is yours as much as mine as without all of you this story would have waited for a long time to move forward :) Good reading and I do hope you will continue to enjoy ths story :)
          Lot's of love my sweet freaks :)
          Sayene Deathstalker


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Hey my sweet Freaks,
          I will do my best to be on Wattpad more often so you can get an answer to your comments sooner :) I was slightly overwhelmed with bullshit just recently, but with this new year I took decisions that at the end should help me update my stories more regularly ( in condition I don't fall under blank page crisis AGAIN). Thank you all for reading and I hope you had very Good Holiday Festivities ;) Bunch of love my sweet crazies.
          Shayene Deathstalker


Hey my sweetest freaks,
          I'm back.... I don't know how regular I'll succed to make the updates... Your favourite monster is leaking tears of blood all over the place and has some difficulties keeping the morals and motivations up....
           I'm updating Reapers Girl in the days to come and there will probably be the grand-retour of Darkest Side, though it needs some heavy editing (got too soft on few chapters and tooo gore on the others) ^^ I than you all sooooo freakin' much for following and reading my crazy BS. You are the most awesome group of twisted sweeties!!!! 
          Love y'all 
          Lady Deathstalker


Hey my sweet freaks, just thought to warn you that a new chapter of Reaper's Girl before the end of the next week. Also been updating a series of short stories labeled Dark Thoughts...Author's Ponderings... It's a little something to make you get into the dark thoughts of an author of horror stories ;) I'm feeling very happy to share some darkness that floats in the surface when no one's watching. 
          Continue to fear the darkness my twisted people,
          Sincerely yours,
          Lady Deathstalker