
Hi followers and readers of The Nefarious Fabulist. A lot of light will be shed on all the mysteries in the story, and a lot of plot twists... Prepare your mind and heart because a character I sooo truly am connected with will die. If anyone can guess who it is before I upload the chapter, I will hand out a cool gift. I promise... Thank you for keeping up with the story until now... Daren and I appreciate it a lot!


Hi followers and readers of The Nefarious Fabulist. A lot of light will be shed on all the mysteries in the story, and a lot of plot twists... Prepare your mind and heart because a character I sooo truly am connected with will die. If anyone can guess who it is before I upload the chapter, I will hand out a cool gift. I promise... Thank you for keeping up with the story until now... Daren and I appreciate it a lot!


So I have been on the mobile app for a while, and my internet sucks s I could not comment to any of the chapters, but good work, keep it up. sometimes I faze off because am not very sure I understand what I read, but then I realize the plot and pick up from there. keep it up!!


Thank you for the feedback.. I think when I'm done writing the whole story I will change some words I use to make the book more pleasant to read. Thank you once more for your time and feedback


Hey readers of "The Nefarious Fabulist".
          Torture has been uploaded. I must say that when I wrote this chapter, it was a bit sickening. While writing this post, I still had some nauseating feeling. So I hope you enjoy it, as much as I did.


Hey followers, and readers of "The Nefarious Fabulist."
          Tomorrow the chapter named "Torture" will be published. This will be the introduction to explaining who the fabulists are, what they do, and it will shed some light on the death of Daren's father.
          Stay tuned, because things are about to get REAL!!!


Hey dear followers, and readers of The Nefarious Fabulist. I had a case of flu the last days, so that's why the story was on hold.
          Stay tuned today for more chapters that will blow your mind, and get you closer to my favourite and closest protagonist, Daren Finnegan, the teller of tales.


Hi There... Thank you for following me, I really appreciate it very much :) I would like to know though, are you the guy on the picture?


@Naraynaz  I understand you completely...


@Shaggeor  I guess so, girls are the sophisticated ones, but surely boys who write are deep, you can converse with them and feel relieved. I'm not sure you would get this, but there's no harm telling you.


@Naraynaz hahaha.... alright... didn't actually pay attention to that part of male absence... not many like to read or write maybe. :p


Hey guys... I'm really happy that you are my first 3 followers. If you ever need an upvote or request a feedback from me, I'll be glad to help in whatever way. 
          If not much to ask, could you just take a peek at the first - the portrait - or the third - the pup and the leopard p.1- and just shout out some feedback. I'm participating in the Harlequin Romance sytycw15 contest, and I really need some feedback. 